Culture and Teams

‘Building Bridges and Creating Strong Collaborative Teams’

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  • Diagnosing and developing strategies and supporting the implementation of culture development plans using comprehensive techniques that can be administered on line including surveys, interviews, desk top reviews and focus groups.

  • Collaborative workshops to support the co-creation and implementation of positive behaviours and values.

  • Sustainable support to track the implementation of lived values into daily business.

  • Culture coaching working with internal ‘champions’ to help sustain the change you seek.

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  • Identifying and diagnosing challenges in teams and organisation utilising comprehensive robust methods including surveys, focus groups, interviews with solution focused feedback sessions.

  • Interventions with fractured teams to build bridges utilising group norming processes.

  • Facilitating constructive conversations when workplace relationships have broken down within a restorative framework.

  • Prevention and education on workplace bullying.

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  • Facilitating Team Building focusing on appreciating diversity and strategically leveraging strengths.

  • Strategy and service planning initiatives.

  • Developing organisational strength to implement collaboration, communication and innovation practices into every day.

  • Supporting teams to support each other during challenging times.